Are you a Sipper or a Guzzler?

Are you a Sipper or a Guzzler?

I recently purchased a freezer that operates for an entire year for $34. Just $34. I find that amazing.  Now it is true that I have to manually defrost the freezer once a year, maybe twice. But I see that as a good thing. I should go through...
What Are You Sowing?

What Are You Sowing?

We’ve all heard the adage, “You reap what you sow.” As business owners and managers, we are sowing every day. What are we reaping? Gary here . . . As I look in the mirror each day, I see myself as a husband, a father, a grandfather and many other roles that I...
We Are Excited to Announce . . .

We Are Excited to Announce . . .

Life is full of twists and turns and opportunities. As leaders, our job is to recognize and seize these opportunities when they present themselves. As providence would have it, the Green Pro Family of Companies is the beneficiary of just such an opportunity. Gary here...
What Did You Remember on Memorial Day?

What Did You Remember on Memorial Day?

We are quite literally surrounded by “memorials,” aids to help us remember. Whether they be photos, trophies, a particular article of clothing, wedding rings, etc. We keep things around us to help keep memories and commitments alive. Memories and...