Yes, I did write that correctly.
This full-service nutrient management system for turf is exactly what you want under the tree this Christmas. Not only is it good looking, it is like a magnet for new customers and will continue to make you money for the next decade and beyond.
Gary here . . .
I don’t want you to feel overlooked this Christmas. Green Pro does build great equipment and has high performance products just for you turf professionals. As a matter of fact, we were building specialty equipment for turf management companies before we began building our innovative tree sprayers. That was over 40 years ago and we’re still going.
The Sprinter for Turf offers so many benefits:
- Outstanding, billboard-size marketing driving all over town.
- Amazing production capacity will get you through even the longest days.
- Storage for a pallet of granular, and up to 400G of liquid.
- Drive your ride-on spreader/sprayer right inside – NO TRAILER!
- Equipment is secure and out of the weather, 24-7, 365 days of the year.
- Eliminate wasted time loading equipment in morning, unloading at day’s end.
- You will increase production and complete jobs more quickly.
- You will attract and retain better employees.
- The Sprinter for Turf is remarkable to drive and extremely cost effective on fuel.
- You will make more money.
What’s not to like about this list. I don’t know of anything more productive and stylish than the Sprinter for Turf.
So read the literature and look at the videos. Let me know what you think. It’s also extremely important to know that your local Sprinter dealer will not have this very special 4500, extended length model in stock. This was ordered exclusively for Green Pro Solutions customers – like you!
I have two available for purchase right now. Yes, right now. Take advantage of this opportunity to increase your image and your profit with this very special production machine from Green Pro Solutions, the company committed to Making You Much More Money.