Another older article was found. Keith Maurer was interviewed with Dr. Hans Helmprecht for Arbor Age Magazine, November/December 2009 edition. It is called Soil Testing Can Grow Your Business. Click on the image below to read the full article.
Going through some old files, I found this article Keith Maurer wrote for Arbor Age Magazine, January/February 2010 edition. It is called Healthy Soil about how Life begets and sustains life. Click on the image below to read the full article.
Makes sense . . . Sounds logical . . . Simple enough . . . yet most companies that offer PHC services don’t seem to really understand this concept. Keith here . . . Or maybe they don’t know that there is an easy way to implement a comprehensive soil health care...
Yes, it’s hard to believe that summer is speeding by and the return to fall schedules and activities is almost here. For those of us in the Plant Health Care business, this has special significance. As PHC professionals, it’s our responsibility to prepare the...
We are all geared up and anxious to see you again at CTPA this Thursday, July 21st. Since it is their 100th Anniversary, it will be a big time for sure. You will see new sprayers at the Green Pro booth, equipment you have never seen before, equipment that will...