We appreciate your business! Thank you for permitting our professionals to serve you in 2023. We look forward to assisting you Make Much More Money in 2024.-Your Green Pro Team The Green Pro Team is taking off just Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. A lot of companies...
It’s a special time of year The Green Pro Team is taking off just Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. A lot of companies make critical, tax saving decisions at year end. Know that we will be available to take care of those needs.
Thanksgiving got off to a rocky start as a permanent, uniquely American holiday. At various times during the Revolutionary War when the outcome of victory looked impossible, General Washington would request prayers of the colonists for his beleaguered soldiers. And...
29 I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The...
We are quite literally surrounded by “memorials,” aids to help us remember. Whether they be photos, trophies, a particular article of clothing, wedding rings, etc. We keep things around us to help keep memories and commitments alive. Memories and...
At Christmas… Jesus Came Downto Man on Earth So That,Through Easter . . . Man Could Go Up toJesus in Heaven Greetings from all of us at Your Green Pro Family of Companies. For more information or resources, contact our Chaplain, Eric Herb, at...