You know why we exist – to serve you with better products and services to help you make much more money. We do that in a lot of different ways, and Bio Tree & Shrub® All-in-One, made by Nature’s Pro (which is a Green Pro sister company), may be one of our best ways to help you generate income while providing awesome support for tree and shrub health.
You know I am always trying to educate and inform you, but I am also a salesman. Why should you believe me?
I’m not asking you to believe me.
Will you believe top tier industry professionals, people out in the trenches everyday doing what you do? Arborists with decades of experience? Arborists who teach others how to be arborists? Yes, these are professionals you can trust.
Here is what Jim Dunkerley has to say . . .
“I first used Bio Tree & Shrub about 30 years ago. A liquid, it was easy to use, and plant materials responded well. Back in the day, it had ingredients that the vast majority of other products did not have. Ingredients were easier for the plant to utilize, and much more comprehensive in addressing pretty much everything a tree needs – all the nutrients (not just NPK), feeding soil biology, and addressing soil compaction. It was cutting edge. And it worked.
As an educator and research arborist for over 30 years, I have tried pretty much everything out there. I know.
Over the years, the guys at Nature’s Pro tweaked the ingredient list with higher quality or better performing components, always looking for what would be best for the plants.
But 2020 was transformational. These guys added a fourth science.
Our industry tends to be reactive, not pro-active. We treat disease after it shows up.
On the other hand, Nature’s Pro products are more proactive. Their formulations are designed to strengthen a tree’s ability to defend itself, to keep a tree or shrub from getting sick in the first place. The products work with nature. For instance, the lower nitrogen content more closely matches the amount of nitrogen in the various tissues within the tree and does not promote pest outbreaks caused by excessive nitrogen. The process of keeping trees healthy took a quantum leap forward in 2020 with the reformulation of Bio-Tree & Shrub® All-in-One.
Root diseases are a serious problem in our industry. Too often, the first evidence we can see of root diseases is when a tree falls over onto a house – a little too late. For the most part, there are no effective root disease chemical treatment products. But Quest Products in Kansas has brought two products to the market, Reliant® and Stress Master® which includes PO3. Phosphite helps the tree fight root diseases in particular and defend itself in general more completely. And phosphite is more natural than man-made disease fighting products.
Working closely with Quest and their Stress Master product, Nature’s Pro added a maintenance level of this product to their already complete complex of ingredients. Plus, the synergy of all four of these sciences working together is remarkable, not only for the tree, but for ease of use and reduction of labor cost versus applying all of the sciences separately, and at a much lower cost.
In my opinion, knowing what I know, and having used an assortment of fertilizer products over a span of three plus decades, there is no better or complete product for supporting tree and shrub health on the market today than Bio-Tree & Shrub® All-in-One. It is the best tree food on the market, a real game changer!”
So, there you have it, words from a pro.
If you are not currently using Reliant® or Stress Master®, or you want to know why these products are better than other PO₃ products, check out these links:
For you to get the freshest products available, we manufacture the products as we receive the orders and ship directly to you. You don’t have to worry about going someplace to get Bio Tree & Shrub or our other products, or if it is out of stock. It ships directly from us to you.
We also spend our money on the highest quality ingredients so your trees and shrubs get the best performance for your efforts. We don’t spend money on expensive dealer networks. It’s us to you.
“How Can I save Dollars?” you ask?
You will save money (and Make Much More Money)
- Using 80% less product because it is concentrated and food grade (no waste)
- Cutting labor cost in half (refer to #1 above)
- Getting more work completed each day (See #1 and #2 above)
The real benefit?
Your trees will love you
Your customers will love you
You will love you for using Bio Tree & Shrub All-in-One.
Hey, we could use a little love in this world and you can get it all started.