Visit TCI Expo November 10-12 in Charlotte, NC. That’s where industry leaders upgrade their knowledge and hone their skills so they can stay in the lead. You don’t want your competitors to know more than you do.
Our entire team is gearing up for the event. You will see stuff you have never seen before.
The Green Pro Companies will be offering specials on equipment, products and marketing aids to increase productivity and catapult your growth.
Everyone visits the Green Pro, Nature’s Pro and Njekt booths to see the latest technology, the newest innovations, and learn about better, more productive ways to serve their customers. Isn’t that what it’s all about? You will find us at Booth 2867, showing our latest and greatest.
As you know, there is nothing more valuable than knowledge. Knowledge is the building block on which ideas and companies are built. Lack of knowledge is a prescription for disaster. Mistakes are made. Judgement is compromised. It is very difficult to lead a company, particularly if your employees know more than the “leader”. Come get knowledge. There is no better investment that you can make f the future of your company.
And you will meet a lot of fascinating and successful people that will share their wisdom and success stories. Build off of their experience. Learn how to avoid their mistakes. Come away from TCI with more confidence in your ability to lead your company into a more successful future. It will be well worth your time to stop by and say “hello”.