I wonder what I should buy?

Some companies take the “Rearview Mirror” approach to buying new spray equipment. You look at the sprayer you bought 20 years ago, calculate how much money you made, determine that it was a good investment, and decide to buy a new spray truck just like your 20-year old model.

Then there is the “My Buddy Bought One” method. Looking at a competitor’s successful business, possibly even in the same market, it is determined that you should buy the exact same piece of new equipment that he purchased recently.

The “Crystal Ball” method is always popular. There are always people who don’t know your specific business, who are willing to tell you what the future of the industry is and what you should do about growing your company.

In my opinion, and working with literally hundreds of equipment buyers over the decades, none of these methods should be totally discarded. But. . .

Gary here . . .

What your company has done historically is significant. So are the decisions your successful competitor is making. But you are contemplating making a major investment in the FUTURE of the industry, not the past. You also don’t know what criteria your successful competitor used. Maybe he did not make the best decision this time.

What you are looking for is the best possible piece of equipment to serve your customers well with the services they will want in the future while making money for your company and keeping your employees happy for the next 20 years.

A tall order.

You begin by doing two key things. First, you reassess your core values and why you are in business. We have written about this previously. Many companies are moving away from general tree services and more toward plant health care for a lot of reasons. One being greater profitability, at least double per man hour what tree removal and stump grinding returns. Reducing insurance cost is another huge reason.

Secondly, you have to assess the direction of the industry – where is it going.

There have been so many advancements and inventions in the industry in the last twenty years, that buying the same spray equipment you purchased 20 years ago is very likely not the answer. But the perfect place to learn about the direction of the industry is just five weeks away in Saint Louis. TCI Expo is the place to learn about the future of the industry.

To learn about the speakers, the vendors who will be there, and the schedule: CLICK HERE

But right now, what you really need is a road map. Here is a List of Questions and Considerations:

  1. What is the availability and quality of the technicians you need to run your PHC program?
  2. Are you willing to pay more money to get better people/provide more training?
  3. Fuel costs are killing you. Equipment operating costs have to be a consideration.
  4. The two most efficient and profitable treatment methods are bark sprays and soil injections. Are you maximizing those methods now? What would it take to maximize those methods in the future?
  5. Most companies don’t know that they can make more money by keeping trees from getting sick in the first place. This will also reduce the cost of equipment you need. You better check this out at the Nature’s Pro exhibit at TCI Expo.
  6. It is now possible to do more work with fewer technicians. Impossible you say? Check it out for yourself at the Green Pro and Njekt Booths at TCI Expo.
  7. Yes, it’s possible to build you spray equipment that’s designed to be more efficient, make you more money, and reduce the number of PHC technicians you need.
  8. In reality, there are a lot more specific questions that I could add to this list. When you call me or show up at our TCI exhibits, we will ask them. 

But to sum it all up, you are not looking for just a spray truck. You are really looking for a Plant Heath Care Management System that incorporates the most recent advances in products, methods and equipment. 

The Plant Health Care Management System you choose will dictate the equipment you need.

Our entire team is looking forward to seeing you at TCI Expo.